Katarzyna Cielecka

PhD thesis title:

“Uwarunkowania oraz zmienność wieloletnia występowania ciekłych oraz stałych opadów atmosferycznych na Spitsbergenie w świetle współczesnych zmian klimatu” / “Conditions and long-term variability of liquid and solid precipitation occurrence on Spitsbergen on the background of current climate change”


  • Dr hab. Ewa Łupikasza
  • Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Niedźwiedź



Cielecka K. 2015. Variability and changes in selected climate elements in Mardid and Alicante in the period 2000-2015. Contemporary Trends in Geoscience 4(1): 56-65.

Attended conferences, conference abstracts:

The EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2017 „Serving Society with Better Weather and Climate Information”, 4-8.08.2017, Dublin, Irlandia.
Talk: ”Air temperature as a criterion for snow and rain separation for Svalbard”.

IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology: Workshop on the Dynamics and Mass Budget of Arctic Glaciers & the IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology Annual Meeting, 23-25.01.2017, Bethel, Maine (USA).
Talk: ”Study on importance of winter liquid precipitation for mass balance of Spitsbergen glaciers”.

Cielecka K. 2016. Zmienność postaci opadów atmosferycznych oraz ich związek z temperaturą powietrza w Atlantyckim Sektorze Arktyki w okresie 1985-2015. In: Franczak Ł., Gajek G. (Ed.) XXXVI Polar Symposium “Progress in polar research – new experiences and challenges”, The 30th Anniversary of UMSC Polar Expeditions to Spitsbergen, BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: 158-159.

16th Annual European Meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting, 12-16.09.2016, Triest (Włochy)
Talk: Łupikasza E., Cielecka K. “Trends in solid, mixed and liquid precipitation in the changing climate of the Atlantic sector of the Arctic”.

Workshops, courses:

Introduction to the Arctic: Climate. Online non-credit course authorized by University of Alberta, offered through
Coursera. 2016. 

Szkolenie “Statistica. Kurs podstawowy”. StatSoft Polska, 2016.

Workshop for young researchers dedicated to interdisciplinary cooperation in polar science, entitled: “What really matters is not ‘How to do it?’ but ‘With whom?”, organized by APECS Poland, XXXVI Polar Symposium, 8 June 2016, Lublin, Poland.


Co-organization and attendance in the 20. Science Picnic, Warsaw, Poland, 7.05.2016.

Co-organization and attendance in the Silesian Science Festival, Katowice, Poland, 13-15.10.2016.

Członkostwo w organizacjach i towarzystwach naukowych:

Member of the Polish Geographical Society



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