-> The goal of the IPS-2023 is to strengthen the holistic approach to studying and better understanding environmental changes and their implications due to the accelerated warming of the Arctic.
-> Preparation of a new generation of scientists for creative involvement in the 5th International Polar Year 2032/2033 by broader participation in the Ocean Decade (2021-2030) and in the IASC ICARP IV (2025) process.
-> An enhanced and coordinated monitoring of landscape and seascape evolution in Svalbard is needed for profound studies of mechanisms of interaction with glaciers and other components of the cryosphere.
-> Identification of gaps, coordination of international efforts and unification of methods will be presented during the conference and discussed directly in the field.
LOCATION: Longyearbyen and Hornsund & Isfjorden region on board of r/v Horyzont II
TIME: 30 August – 4 September 2023
-> 30-31 August: IPS-2023 scientific conference sessions in Longyearbyen
-> 1-4 September: field workshop /Hornsund & Isfjorden region/ – using the m/s Horyzont II + Zodiacs – up to 20 persons
-> 1-2 September: local field workshop /Isfjorden region/ a cruise to Petuniabukta and a guided walking trip to Adventdalen
TARGET GROUPS: ECRs & Svalbard research community
August 30, 9:00 am – opening of the IPS-2023 at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), in Møysalen;
August 30, 9:30 am – 7:30 pm – 1st day of the scientific conference incl. five keynote lectures, participants’ talks, poster session & standing reception;
August 31, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm – 2nd day of the scientific conference incl. three keynote lectures, participants’ talks, panel session with discussion, poster session, closing remarks & wrap-up;
OPTION 1: Hornsund & Isfjorden region on the Horyzont II board
August 31, 6:30 pm – transfer to m/s Horyzont II;
August 31, 7:30 pm – dinner on shipboard;
September 1 – 2 – Hornsund, Werenskioldbreen and visiting the Polish Polar Station (PPS);
September 3 – Brepollen workshop from the ship’s deck;
September 4 – Petuniabukta workshop based on AMUPS-Adam Mickiewicz University Polar Station;
September 4, approx. 6:00 pm – return to Longyearbyen;
OPTION 2: Billefjorden & Adventdalen region
September 1 – Petuniabukta workshop based on AMUPS-Adam Mickiewicz University Polar Station;
September 2 – Longyearbyen – a guided walking trip to Adventdalen valley or Longyearbreen.
-> 250 Euro for the conference & field workshop
-> 50 Euro for plenary sessions and meetings in LYR only / local field workshop (Petuniabukta, Adventdalen)
incl. coffee breaks, lunches, the first-day reception
and we have booked hotel in LYR at a special price (approx. EUR 100 in a single room per night or half price in a double room)!
-> The call for abstract submissions is available here: and is extended to 14th April 2023!
-> Decision on abstracts (talk/posters) up to 5th May 2023
-> Registration with payment was available until 📆 June 5, 2023:
On May 5, we will open a call for travel grants supported by IASC.
You can apply for a travel grant if you meet the following criteria:


-> Centre for Polar Studies (CPS): University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Geophysics PAS, Institute of Oceanology PAS
-> Polish Polar Consortium (PPC)
-> International Environmental Doctoral School (IEDS)
-> Committee on Polar Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CPR PAS)
-> Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS)
-> University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)
-> International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
-> Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
The full IPS-2023 programme is available at:
The book of abstracts is available at:
Video-relation of the IPS-2023:
Photo gallery of the IPS-2023:
The IPS-2023 report is available at:
Granted by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Poland (Program Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki / Doskonała Nauka DNK/SP/513817/2021).