Cooperation between the Centre for Polar Studies and ING Hubs Poland

We are pleased to announce that the team of the Centre for Polar Studies at the University of Silesia (CSP) began cooperation with ING Hubs Poland last year. A group of CSP scientists and ING Hubs staff developed areas of potential cooperation in bilateral meetings, which currently include the topics … więcej

Scientific Session: “High North and Far South from European and Regional Perspectives”

We warmly invite you to participate in the scientific session: “High North and Far South from European and Regional Perspectives”, which will be held on 24th April 2024!  Registration (only for on-site participation) is available at the link: Participants will be able to use simultaneous translation into Polish (headphone … więcej

Call for IPS-2023 abstracts extended to 14th April, 2023!

The Interdisciplinary Polar Studies 2023 (IPS-2023) Modular Meeting will be held in Svalbard (Longyearbyen, Hornsund and Isfjorden) between August 30 and September 4, 2023. IPS-2023 is open to ECRs & Svalbard research community and Arctic-related topics. To read more about the tentative programe and planned sessions, see the website and … więcej

Centrum Studiów Polarnych (CSP) stanowi platformę ścisłej współpracy w zakresie badań obszarów polarnych Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
i wiodących instytutów Polskiej Akademii Nauk: Instytutu Geofizyki w Warszawie i Instytutu Oceanologii w Sopocie.
CSP kładzie nacisk na rozwój interdyscyplinarnych i międzynarodowych badań środowiska przyrodniczego Arktyki i Antarktyki.
Aktualnie, dorobek publikacyjny Centrum stawia nas w gronie wiodących ośrodków badań polarnych w Europie.

The Center for Polar Studies (CSP) is a platform for close collaboration in polar research between the University of Silesia in Katowice
and key institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences: the Institute of Geophysics in Warsaw and the Institute of Oceanology in Sopot.
CSP emphasizes the development of interdisciplinary and international studies of the Arctic and Antarctic environments.
Thanks to its published work, the Center is recognized as one of Europe's leading polar research institutions.

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